Thursday, November 15, 2012

Laundry, Life, and Everything Else

Life is just a little bit crazy around here right now, if you can't tell from the picture below!! This is about a week's worth of laundry. I usually work on laundry 6 days out of the week and it is always an ongoing process -- very rarely is it ever "all done". 

I have so many other, more beautiful things to blog about but time has been a problem of late. Christina, JK, John, my mom and our family headed south a week after Em's wedding for a getaway! We had condos in a little town in Tennessee and we escaped for a week of sitting around, drinking tea, letting the kids play, and general wedding recovery. I have lots of pictures......... 

For the final update of the honeymooners, they ended up having to rent a car in DC (where they were stuck) and drive to NC for a few days. The best thing was that they were able to join us all in Tennessee for a night on their way home!!

I seem to forget that November can be busier for our family (or seem that way) than December! It's the annual "fit as many doctor appointments into a week as you can" week and we have 6 of 8 appointments done. That's why the laundry is suffering:

Thirty minutes managed to tidy it up into piles......

Good news for Laura! She passed her cardiology exam with flying colors and does not have to return for another year! Yay!!!! She also may only need to have an echo every other year. She celebrated 2 years post-op while we were on vacation. Multiple times a day I am reminded to give thanks for her.

Although it has been a very long week of appointments they have been the most productive I can remember and I am rejoicing that our decisions to switch two different doctors have resulted in two new doctors who are amazing and have put us miles ahead of where we were on various issues.

Speaking of miles ahead, that is NOT where I am on the ironing pile. How does this happen in just a few short weeks?

After a terrific, or depressing (depending on if you asked the parent or the child), dermatology appointment today Rachel and I stopped at Starbucks for something to cheer us up. It was our lucky day! Holiday drinks were buy one get one free! We opted to try the Peppermint Mocha and the Caramel Brûlée. Delicious -- especially when made with less pumps of flavoring than normal.

And guess what else I finally finished up this evening?!!! The laundry is all put away! There is already plenty to start on again tomorrow, but at least for a few hours it is actually finished. Such a treat! Sadly, this is the cleanest spot in the house it seems.

Life is so much like my house -- never clean and happy in every room at one time. More like some rooms and spaces can be clean while others are a disaster or work in progress. The key is to hang out in the clean bits!!! Or, don't let myself believe the lie that my house (or my life) is all a complete wreck -- usually there is someplace tidy and somethings to be joyful about.


Anonymous said...

Heather, you have your priorities right! Focus on what's most important, like good cardiology appointments (and doctors) and going for a treat after the dermatologist. When you look back to these years, I wonder if you will remember the mountains of endless laundry?

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. Also, I didn't have time to comment on your snowflake/butterfly post from Monday. I thought it was so beautiful, and it kept coming back into my mind.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

When we lived in our large two story house (we lived there when Steph was in college and early married), it had a laundry chute by the bedrooms on the second floor that took our laundry down to a waiting basket in the basement laundry room.

It was so nice having it out of sight, until I walked into the basement laundry room and saw a mountain, hehehe.

One of the rewards of raising you children is having only three or four small loads of laundry a week now. I still can't believe the difference just having Christopher leave home made.

Now it is his wife who talks about the laundry!

So glad little Laura is doing well. She is such a sweety.

HeatherMavis said...

Ahh the laundry treadmill. Currently, I'm keeping up. Just a few days ago it was depressing. I wish it could stay in control like this all the time. I know better though, stuff happens and the laundry mountain grows. Kinda sounds like "The Englishman who went up a Hill and came down a Mountain".
Don't you just love a clean organized house? You can just FEEL it, breath it in.

Christina Wall @ CCKnits said...

Love this post! So true! We'll stick to the happy bits for right now and let the wreck loose! How about that! =)

Jessica said...

love it - heh. my house is utter chaos right now! but, i managed to clean my kitchen floor and just knowing that it was clean made me so happy for the rest of the day. the little things right?