Well, here it is the end of the week. I thought I'd throw my extra pictures up from the week. Seems as though there are a number of little things that happened this week.
For one, I went to the first garage sale of the season! Yeah! I found a box of legos for $2 which was a bargain. Speaking of bargains, I also got a 30% off coupon for Kohls and my $5 gift card (mentioned on Money Saving Mom some time ago) which I used to today to get some very good bargains -- like $2 slippers for Michael who has been in desperate need of them (he wears slippers all day rather than shoes, unless he goes out), $5 sneakers for James, and some $2 tops for next winter for myself!
My mom came on Wednesday this week and there were more face sandwiches for lunch:

David is enjoying being the spoiled baby of the house. He really loves interacting with the other children and I managed to capture this scene during school this week:

Andrew is a very sweet older brother to David and helps him or plays with him a lot. I discovered them in a chair reading a new book:

Last Saturday we managed to get out to the neighborhood park. This is something I was so happy to do, as it means I have more energy. :) The kids had a blast, and ran around in the shirt sleeves while I huddled on the bench in a coat and a wool blanket.
One of Rachel's projects for Rosebuds had to do with hospitality. We decided that having a tea for Auntie C would be a good way to fulfill that. Rachel and I talked about a plan, Rachel wrote an invitation which she mailed, and then when the big day came (Tuesday) she got to work on the menu.
Auntie C must have gluten free, so we made up some gluten free scones, which came out quite nicely. Rachel made the scones and set the table and discovered that hospitality can involve quite a bit of work to get all the bases covered. I think it was a good experience for her -- not too overwhelming, but enough work so as to realize what is involved.
Auntie C arrived all decked out for the occassion! Rachel poured the tea, and we had a very lively tea party (the boys joined in, and between the children, Mommy didn't get very many words in edge wise until she decided the party should end after an hour and give her a chance to talk to Auntie C).

Now it is time for the final chores of the day, baths for the kids, and I think a haircut for Michael. Then it will be time to breathe a sigh of relief and try to relax a bit.