Our first watermelon of the year! Perfect for our Memorial Day Picnic at a local park:
In any case, Rachel is pleased, and has decided she likes this one better than the last one. (I really liked the pink one, oh well).
Farther down we came again to the little nest we found on our last walk. I was so anxious to look inside.
Finding that blue egg was the highlight of my walk! I was so excited. Capturing this shot is a little hard. The nest is above eye level, so I have to hold the camera up high and hope for a good one (all the while not coming into contact with the nest). I hope next time we go we'll find more eggs, or Mama Robin sitting on them!
And then we found lots and lots of Jack in the Pulpits, which fascinated all of us. We had to bring a few home for Daddy and discuss the idea of renaming them Daddy in the Pulpit.
And now today we are off to a highschool graduation for several homeschooling friends. It will be held back at the church where we were for Brian and Jaci's wedding last Saturday.
I did buy some begonias and dusty miller to plant in the front:
And I had a hankering to make something with strawberries and rhubarb this week so I came up with a strawberry-rhubarb coffee cake. Very delicious!
And today is our first very sunny day in quite some time. I think I need to get out and spread the mulch. For some reason I just feel like crawling in bed with a good book. :)