This is what the upstairs futon currently looks like: the fruits of my felting labors after my wonderful deal-finding stop at Salvation Army on Monday. Lots of great colors for the fall, not so many bright and cheery ones for spring and summer. Oh well. Maybe I'll find those in the fall.
In between school today I dived into the mammoth task of changing out the seasons. My motivation: our neighborhood is having a garage sale this weekend and I think I might just try to host one. Why we were never alerted about this event until the signs went up on Wednesday outside our subdivision, I don't know! Advance warning would have helped.
Oh well, the work's all done now -- every one has their summer clothes in their drawers and the closets are all so organized! Cookies for a cookie table are baked and tomorrow we'll see how the garage sale goes.
Many thanks to my friend Ruth for awarding me the Uber Amazing Blog Award! Ruth lives in Ireland and I have enjoyed her blog for many months now. I do dream of meeting Ruth in person some day -- I think it is a dream that very well could turn into reality -- we'll have to see.

The week has been lighter than most -- just soccer and ballet to attend to, along with school and keeping the house running.
Our weather is picking up and we are scheduled to have 80-degree weather all weekend! Yay! I'm thinking hard about our garden -- how big we should make it, what to plant, etc.
I've been trying out a new pilates dvd and a bodyring -- to complement my exercise bike routine. It's nice to have a friend in the neighborhood who has expertise in this area. I guess we'll all know the results in a few months. :)
I'm reading Alison Weir's newest book on Katherine Swynford -- I do love Alison Weir!
The little boys are in the bath after an escapade with sidewalk chalk (I have an aversion to that stuff) and I'm feeling like I need to watch an episode of Monarch of the Glen.