Sewing flowers makes me happy. I love pretty things and I love the color combinations I've been working with so far this year. I think there have been almost 100 sewn since the beginning of January, which seems a little hard to believe. They are all sewn in bits and pieces of time, mostly while helping the children with their schoolwork.
I find it hard at times to figure out how to fit in "creating" along with everything else. I have so many ideas and things I want to make and they just don't all happen. I need to keep learning to be okay with that and be grateful for what does happen.
Right now many things are bouncy around on my to-do list: sorting the boys' closet, getting ready for the homeschool art class I need to teach in the coming weeks, getting caught up on our finances and starting our taxes, cooking and writing for the food blog, re-decorating the mantel for February/spring, finishing up a few more items for my Etsy sale, letters, emails, and a few sewing projects that I've promised to people months ago and must get to work on, oh yeah, and there's homeschool too and laundry and cleaning. Sometimes I just don't know where to begin. Or, it feels like I'm rushing from one thing to the next throughout the day. And then there is no time left for reading. I'm convincing myself this is a season of life and I better just be happy with what happens and not worried about what doesn't. I forgot getting ready for the baby.....I need to make the most of this chance I have to prepare for a little girl.
In the mean time I'm learning all about nebulizers. I took David in for a possible ear infection yesterday and came out with an RSV diagnosis, prescription for nebulizer medication and a prescription for the ear infection. Treatments every four hours, through the night -- this wasn't supposed to happen to me for a few more months yet. Oh well. David doesn't complain and takes the treatments very well. Hopefully he'll be on the mend soon.
It's time for our scheduled rest time and then the kids each have something they want to do this afternoon. When it comes down to it, what really matters today is time spent with them, so I better just put my mind to rest about the to-do list and let life happen.