Today our sweet little Laura Elizabeth turns one year old!!!!
What a year it has been! None of us could have imagined. And yet, our life is richer and deeper, more so than we would have thought.

(one month)
Laura smiled early (3 1/2 weeks) and hasn't stopped. We certainly see that as a gift from God in light of all that Laura has been through.

(two months)
It's been so fun to have a little girl again to dress up in beautiful clothes!!!

(three months)
Laura is so very much loved by her siblings. It is wonderful to see how they interact with her.

(four months)
It was at four months that the doctors began to discover the medical problems Laura faced. Sweet thing. No wonder she couldn't put on any weight.

(five months)
Laura has enjoyed many lovely hand-me-downs from her cousin Sophie, including the beautiful white dress she wore for her five month birthday.
(six months)
Here is Laura right before her surgery. She was at the beginning of her time with an NG tube.

It still grieves my heart that our precious girl had to go through so much, even before she was one. And yet, at the same time, I am learning to trust that God has His purposes in everything that happens, and often we don't see the reason in this life. Looking back, the pain is not easy, but I feel as though more good has come from this than bad.
Laura's journey is not over, and at times that is hard for me to think about. But, I know her life will be a reason for me to grow closer to my Heavenly Father and to trust Him more. That is good.

(seven months)
Our happy little girl returning after surgery.
Sitting up on her own at Christmas! A perfect gift!
It is good to see progress over time.......and around this time Laura got off her NG tube!
Is that a chubby tummy????
Thank you all for your love and prayers for us and Laura over this past year!!! We can't imagine our life without her and every day we praise God for blessing our lives with her. Happy Birthday dear Laura!!!!