We started school last week. Here are the crazy students. I am the crazy teacher. We have entered a new level of homschooling, one I had only heard about before.
This year I have four separate grades to deal with, which has made for a lot more work. I do group the children together for science and history, so I am only teaching two different groups in that category.
I've started planning my weeks out in advance, writing out the exact pages to be done each day, any extra projects, what books will be read each week, etc. It's a lot of work at the end of the week, but it does make the next week flow quite smoothly. Rachel and Andrew each get an assignment book with each day's assignments listed.
We start the day with Assembly where we are doing memorization, timeline, songs (like the national anthem, and the president's list), skip counting and reading aloud. Then Rachel and Andrew get time for math drills and for correcting the previous days work. For the most part, they are able to work on their own after that.
James and David come back to the table to read aloud and have their lessons together before I take time to work with each one on their schoolbooks. Right now it's taking at least 3 solid hours to get this done, with the older ones finishing some things in the afternoon. We don't get started on school until chores are finished at 9:30, so we are working right into the lunch hour. Then there are days like yesterday where we still had quite a bit to do in the afternoon. And then there is the constant, all-day-long checking on chores to be done, schoolwork to be finished, piano to be practiced, toys to be cleaned up. Maybe that's what makes it all seem just a tad overwhelming!
This week was certainly better than last week, but I think it's going to be a very full year. I'm so glad we aren't playing soccer this fall and I'm trying to look for ways to keep our schedule to a minimum so we can concentrate on school.
We have had a lot of fun so far, even if it's been a lot of work. Last night we made "edible cells" to go with our anatomy lesson. And the little boys have done a craft project or two that they enjoyed. We always enjoy reading aloud together and the neighborhood moms have banned together to create a 7:45 p.m. curfew so now my kids can actually have some time for reading aloud before bed.
I'm still excited about the school year, if not a bit overwhelmed at the work it is going to take. Hopefully the work will pay off and the children will learn a lot!