The month began with a trip to the Goodwill 50% off sale to find Rachel clothes! She was a trooper and spent 5 hours shopping with me, picking out all her own clothing items and even arranging to have a friend meet us so they could shop together.
This year the daffodils captured me more than ever -- maybe because my garden seemed to have SO many daffodils this year. I think this fall I'm going to plant one or two new varieties as well! I've discovered that they are much better value than tulips because they grow and multiply and stay around for years and years whereas tulips come out with a bang the first year and deteriorate from then on.
Sometimes our dinners look very delicious. Often I feel I have no appetite and don't want to cook but going without food is not an option so cook I must!
Isn't this planter beautiful?! This is at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, which is no longer free but I discovered you can sneak into the cafe for free and you don't even have to purchase a drink! It's kind of like a free zone!
I can't believe our school year is drawing to a close. It's been very full with trying to cover both American History and Indiana History. Fortunately they often overlap. We took a field trip last week to the Indiana Historical Society and had a great morning. I highly recommend signing up for a homeschool tour (organize your own with their tour office). The tour kept us moving and interested the whole morning. Here we are about to step back in time to the 1950's and the Ball jar community canning center.
These ladies are making applesauce in the community kitchen. All I could think about was how much work making applesauce is!
Next we went over to the L.S. Ayres Department store and talked with one of their models about department store shopping in the early 1900's. I decided I better not buy that $500 blue suit.
One of our activities was learning to decipher old pictures.
Our last re-enactment visit was to 1816 Corydon where a delegation was drafting the Indiana constitution (we celebrate 200 years this year!). I think this was my favorite room!
Our last activity involved learning how to repair tears on old documents. Lots of fun for the kids.
We popped into Craig and Em's store after our field trip. It's always beautiful there and yummy things abound!
What a festive place to be!
Laura is turning 6 in 10 days! Help! My baby is growing up!
We had our last Institute for Excellence in Writing classes this week. They always end with an Author's Tea. James' class wrote on Narnia topics.
David's class wrote on nature topics.
Rachel is busy with discus and shot put this spring but everyone else is playing soccer!
The chocolate mint is up and ready for the season! And the rest of the garden needs a lot of tending too! I cringe a bit because of all the physical labor it will take but I can't wait for the results!
Andrew's already been in the water this year! It's fun to see him enjoying his friendships. I guess it's time to go back to our Secret Beach and let the kids play in the water.
The weather looks good for the next week -- I think we've jumped from heat to almost air-conditioning over this weekend. Soon the leaves will be on the trees!