It's been some time since I've posted book reviews on the blog. Time to remedy that and share with you what's been on my reading stack this year:

None Like Him by Jen Wilkin
I read this at the very beginning of the year and it was the perfect way to focus my mind on the attributes of God and what that means for me as I headed into a new year. Jen is a gifted communicator. Her books are always well-written, enjoyable to read but also spiritually challenging.

Theras and His Town by Caroline Snedeker
This was one of our homeschool read alouds. Theras is a young boy living in Athens but gets taken to live in Sparta part way through the book. This was a perfect way for us to explore life in both Athens and Sparta and experience a bit of the rivalry that existed between the two cities.

The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
I love talking books with the circulation desk staff at my local library. This was recommended by one friend there and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's technically classified as "young adult," but being a well-written World War II story set in England I enjoyed it just as much as if it had been written for adults.

Bandersnatch by Diana Pavlac Glyer
I loved sneaking into the everyday life of Lewis, Tolkien, and others through the research of Diana Glyer as she painted a picture of how these men interacted over their own written words and inspired each other to create books that have become classics.

Niko: Sculptors Apprentice by Isabelle Lawrence
Another read-aloud set in Athens with a 12-year old boy as the hero. We enjoyed this and it gave another look at everyday life in ancient Greece.
Mere Motherhood by Cindy Rollins
I got strangely drawn into this book by a homeschooling mother describing how she became interested in homeschooling, began educating her ever-growing brood of children, and then mellowed into a woman with perspective as the bumps of life took their toll. I think I was so drawn to this book because Rollins was describing a way of life and community that I grew up in but she also didn't neglect to point out some of the problems/down sides to homeschooling. It gave me plenty of food for thought.

Devoted to God by Sinclair Ferguson
This is an excellent and well-written book on the doctrine of sanctification.

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place by Maryrose Wood
The kids and I recently discovered this series and have been listening to it in the car. I can't help but laugh out loud, especially when the narrator imitates the wolf howls that the children make. Set in Victorian times, the tale describes the crazy life of three children rescued from their wild upbringing in the woods and now being trained by a governess to be proper Victorian children.

Different by Sally and Nathan Clarkson
The Clarksons tell the story of what it was like to be the parent of, and the child with, several issues like anxiety, OCD, and ADHD. I'm thankful for their candid and honest sharing of how difficult it can be to struggle with these issues yourself, and to be a loving, patient parent to those who struggle in this way. I think this book would benefit any parent in helping to think through how best to love and shepherd your child(ren) since each child is unique in some way.

Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry
This was my first time to read anything written by Wendell Berry. I really enjoyed this novel set in the hill country of Kentucky. The book is Hannah's narration of her life beginning in the 1920's, carrying on through World War II, and into the remaining 20th century. I loved the gentle yet real descriptions of country living and the observations of human life.

The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
We just finished this book as part of our Roman studies. It is set in Galilee in the time of Christ and helps to give perspective on the great desire of the Jews to escape the rule of the Romans. It follows the life of a young boy who vows to fight the Romans and we watch the results of that vow play out in his life and that of his sister.

Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson
This was an excellent book on humility. I loved how Anderson chose a garden plant for each chapter and used that plant as an illustration for the message she was communicating. This will be one of my favorite books from the year.
And, if you're interested in the Scottish books I've been reading, you can hop over to my
Reading Scotland blog and scroll through those reviews.
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