I am excited to announce that I have been chosen as a recipient of the Indiana Arts Commission's Arts in the Parks and Historic Sites Grant. This means I will be Artist in Residence this May at the T. C. Steele Historic Site in Nashville, IN and will be conducting two workshops entitled "Nature Journaling in the Footsteps of T. C. Steele," as well as painting and nature journaling on site for one week in May.
T. C. Steele became Indiana's most famous painter and built the House of the Singing Winds in Nashville, IN as a place to live and paint.
During the two nature journaling workshops we will learn about the significance of T. C. Steele's life and art and his particular love for nature and painting outdoors. We will hike on the property, visit his studio, and tour his home. Here are the workshop details:
Nature Journaling in the Footsteps of T. C. Steele Ages 8-12
Saturday, May 11, 10am-2pm
T. C. Steele Historic Site
Cost: Free
$25 art kit will be provided
Nature Journaling in the Footsteps of T. C. Steele Ages 13-Adult
Saturday, May 18, 10am-3pm
T. C. Steele Historic Site
Cost: $20
$25 art kit will be provided
At this time all slots for the adult class are taken but we are putting names on a waiting list. If you would like to have your name put down on the waiting list, please email me as soon as possible.
There are a few slots left for the children's workshop as well as a waiting list available. Please email me if you are interested.

If you can't make it to one of the workshops, I'd love to have you stop by during the week I'm there! The T. C. Steele site is a beautiful place, so peaceful and full of nature's beauty.

Special thanks to the Indiana Arts Commission for sponsoring this grant and making these workshops available to the public!