I love being pleasantly surprised by the unexpected. Last night Michael, Rachel, and I attended Rachel's Rosebud Scripture Recital. For the last 9 months the girls have been memorizing Ephesians chapter 6 and this was the night to invite the dads and let everyone hear the entire chapter.
Having never been to one of these recitals before, I wasn't sure just what to expect. We were invited to one of the families' homes downtown where everyone crowded into their spacious front room.
It is always fun to see someone's house -- especially when it is different from one's own and filled with fascinating objects or creativity in a way different from one's own bent. It was apparent this home was filled with music -- there were "serious" music stands, stools for sitting, a cello propped in a stand, a piano in the corner piled with music and two gilded cherub candle sticks perched precariously on either side. I loved it! Everywhere I turned there was something interesting -- a piece of lovely old furniture, groupings of china bunnies, stacks of music, shelves of books, light filtering through the large, paned windows of this historic-era home.

The girls all did a wonderful job reciting their verses. They divided into about 4 groups and this was "Rachel's group" :)

After the Scripture recital, we were invited to go into the dining room for cookies which had been baked by the daughter of whose home we were visiting. The cookies were exquisite! (Rachel declared her little chick "too cute to eat" and had to bring it home.) I didn't include a close-up of the "Easter-basket cookies" but they were decorated with a Reeses' peanut butter cup cut in half for the basket and icing flowers.

Then, our hostess, Colette, had arranged a special treat. Colette plays in the local chamber orchestra. With a performance of Max Bruch's clarinet concerto coming up this weekend, Colette decided to invite a few musicians over for a "practice" session. So for the next 20+ minutes, we were treated to an amazing production of this piece.
Colette played the viola, and Michael and I were sitting right there at her elbow! I tell you, it is really something to hear these instruments perform when you are SO close to them! The clarinet really came into its own with this piece. And the pianist played a condensation of the remaining pieces in the orchestra -- she was quite amazing since her piece was quite fast and involved.
When all was said and done, it was time to take Rachel off to Starbucks for a little reward just with Mom and Dad. We happened to run into a friend working behind the counter and she carefully concocted a raspberry steamer for Rachel to enjoy with her lemon cake.
It was definately an enjoyable evening for all of us!