Yesterday we celebrated Christina's birthday.

It is tradition that we do so at the Art Museum Gardens.

The day couldn't have been more beautiful!

We had Caesar Salad, Chicken Salad Croissants and Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake. With the salad came a tin of sardines. Wouldn't you know, my kids loved them! Way to go baby foodies!

Here we are:

It's always a trick to have candles outdoors -- one made it!

While the adults chatted, the children built fairy houses.

It was pretty elaborate this year:

After lunch we took a leisurely walk to admire the flowers.

The colors in this photo make me think of the recent film about Marie Antoinette:

The viburnum was just beginning to bloom -- the smell is intoxicating.

The planters met with my approval this year:

It's always fun to see the many varieties of daffodils:

And I do love forget-me-nots:

More nice planters:

And a nice group of people: :)

The redbud trees are just coming into bloom. Why do I feel like they are late?

And these blue flowers were so lovely -- I forget their name:

I had to smile at this flower -- I have a blouse with the same color and pattern!

How close can the camera get?

And the day ended with a bit of play in one of the ponds.

I have plenty more pictures but have decided to break them up over several days.
We're enjoying another gorgeous day before the weather turns cold again. The boys have soccer and I'm doing laundry, mending, sorting, etc. Tomorrow is a pot-luck/pitch-in/carry-in at church, so I need to get some food organized. Enjoy your weekend!
I feel like I haven't been to visit in ages. It's always a real joy droping by your blog. You take and post beautiful photos. The family shot is lovely. I didn't know your sister is expecting, I am delighted for her!
When I was a child I used to build fairy houses with my sisters. My grandmother used to come and visit us on Sundays and place a small treat of some kind into the houses we built. I havent remembered that memory in YEARS and I had no idea other children built them.
I hope the Lord is continueing to bless you and your family.
What a lovely day and i did enjoy the photos. We have had some lovely sunny days here as well though perhaps not as warm as you - not T-shirt weather yet.
Christina is looking so beautiful and the fairy house was too cute!!
You pictures are so cheerful to look at, particularly on a day like today!:)
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