Today I made a lot of progress on my checklist for the baby. Thanks to a very kind friend, who volunteered to take all my kids for a day, I had time to finish up these burp cloths, get the quilt almost completed, and pack my bags for the hospital.
This time around I wanted cute burp cloths. I made these from flannel and a chenille-type fabric. I'm quite pleased with them and hope they will hold up well.

I finished the diaper bag last week. I'm not so pleased with it. The imagination I had in my mind didn't quite translate to the finished product. But, it works for now and I'll use it until I either find something I like more or brainstorm something different.
The bag is made from an old skirt and lined with pink fabric. Large pockets inside go all the way around and are made from the floral Ralph Lauren fabric on the front (found at Goodwill).

Next up will be the quilt which is just getting it's edging sewn in place. I've started a sweet little Elizabeth Zimmerman cardigan in pink cotton and need to finish up a sweet pea cotton hat. I'm definately feeling close to the finish (of the projects -- hopefully the pregnancy too! :).
Hi Heather,
Oooh, such pretty things - you have been busy! I like your diaper (nappy bag). It's one thing that I wanted to get around to making before Alice was born, and never did. If you want a really amazing (probably complicated) nappy bag pattern, see if you can get hold of Amy Butler's book of baby patterns. I haven't tried it, but it looks glorious.
How fun that we have the same cake plate. Mine is Old Foley, and the pattern is called 'Chinarita'. - funny name though! I love collecting Old Foley as it was my great grandmother's maiden name.
You have been busy, it sounds as if you are ready now with all your projects finished.
I like your cardigan, three weeks you say, thats very impressive. I have a couple of things on the needles at the moment but the garden and allotment seem to be stealing most of my free time!
looks great! i still use the wipes i made for eliot and other things around the house that i made 3 years ago! the flannel is great, very absorbant and washes well. ahh the quilt is so nice. i sill have that on my to do list for eliot :)
Good for you Heather - you accomplished a lot in a short day of childlessness! Everything is very very pretty! I can't wait to see pictures of the sweet little blessing who will be surrounded by such love and beauty!
You are so creative, Heather. I admire you. I can't wait for the news of my new niece!! :)
I love your crafts/creations!! I hope to see you Saturday at Stephanie's with your goodies!
Ahhh, you made the burp cloths yourself! Great idea and very pretty.
I like the bag :0)
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