I recently came across this sweet picture of me feeding my sister Christina.

I haven't had time to take a matching pose picture, but what I couldn't believe was the matching hairstyle (on the baby)!!! Crazy hair runs in the family. It's the long on top and short on the sides that we're talking about and the picture below isn't really the best demonstration. Oh well.

While Christina's hair may have been crazy as an infant, it grew into the beautiful brown/chestnut color it is today. So, here's hoping Laura continues along the same pattern!!!
I hope she keeps her red hair!! I love it.
i think they look more alike than just the hair. i can totally see laura in the rest of christina's profile in this pic. just wait till laura's cheeks chub up a bit.
How fun! Wild hair is cute cute cute - and it's a blessing she has a sweet smile to match! I am so glad Laura is gaining weight - we'll keep praying! I think chubby rolls are the best accessory for wild hair!
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