Celebrating Valentine's Day is one of the best ways of beating the winter blues. Set perfectly between Christmas and the beginning of spring, it gives us something to look forward to, plan for, and be creative with.
Oh I know some might say it is an over-rated Hallmark holiday. But, if you can use it to bring a little joy into someone else's life or your own, then I say make the most of it!
Valentine's Day need not only be for romantic lovers. It is a day about LOVE. Love is at the heart of the Christian faith because it is the heart of God as demonstrated to us in Christ. Surely we should all be looking for more ways to show love: to our friends, neighbors, coworkers, family, spouse, children, strangers.

There are so many fun things to do for Valentine's Day. The trick is choosing which, of the many, you will use for your celebration. Pinterest is my new favorite way to get inspiration and I've collected a board just for Valentine's Day (you can find me on Pinterest by clicking the button over on the sidebar).

Some of our favorite ways to celebrate are: decorated sugar cookies, homemade cards, heart pancakes, a special breakfast on Valentine's morning, tiny gifts at each person's place, a tea party, sending cards in the mail (especially to people who might need an extra bit of joy in their day), a Valentine party, Valentine games, heart-shaped foods, and making a Valentine mailbox for creations to be deposited in prior to Valentine's Day.

If you are all alone on Valentine's Day, don't let yourself get pitiful and depressed. It's not the ideal situation, but you have to make the most of it. Joy is here for the taking, but sometimes one has to fight for it. Take matters into your own hands: buy a few flowers to brighten your home, make a list of 25 things you are thankful for, think about five people who have shown you amazing love over your lifetime, buy something red to eat, think of someone who might be very lonely and write them a letter. Consider even the tiny things in life as gifts from God especially for you.

Oh, and I do think chocolate is nice, whether it is hot chocolate, one square of dark chocolate, or a big slice of chocolate cake!

I don't think any of us says "I love you" as much as we should to those that are close to us. This is another opportunity to do so.

Make your kids feel treasured and give them memories that will help them to spread joy to others when they grow up. Write a tiny little valentine for each child. Hide a valentine under their pillow for when they wake up. Buy your daughters flowers. Have a family tea party.

If you are married, then you have been given a very special gift. Make your spouse feel loved and appreciated.

Reading valentine stories is another very fun thing to do. It is the older books at the library that I always find the most whimsical and full of delight. When we were young my mother had us write our own valentine stories, and I think we even acted some out!

Having a Valentine dinner party is one of my favorite things to do! It can't happen every year but it's a special treat when it does.

I hope you find a way to make Valentine's Day special this year!
Your tablescapes surrounded with family are always most beautiful. They are inspirational with everyone in their sunday best.
I agree...Valentines day should be celebrated. We after all have been demonstrated the most amazing gift of love.
I'd love a cookie. One with lots of sprinkles.
Oohhh, I want some of your cookies! I love your beautiful pictures! I read Edith Schaeffer's 'The Hidden Art of Homemaking' years ago, and your homemaking reminds me so much of her philosophy. Making things beautiful and special for your family and for others who come into your home. Well done!
I love, love, love your whole outlook Heather! As you may remember, it's Niall's birthday on Valentines Day and so we make a big deal out of it. We normally spend it at home here with friends. This year a single parent and her son is joining us again. We give each other small gifts and we are reallyl looking forwards to it.
Looks like you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Ours was low-key this year since we were both sick, but my husband picked up Thai takeout for dinner and a bouquet for me from Trader Joe's. He specifically picked out a colorful bouquet that included one rose, which was for the baby we are expecting in June. Bonus cute points for him on that one! ;-)
I am in love with this cute Valentine’s Day party. Glad that you shared these photos here. Will be hosting a gorgeous family party on V-day. Lately, have been making arrangements for Xmas party at one of iconic San Francisco venues and hope it goes as planned.
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