Something very unexpected happened this afternoon. I found myself sitting in my cozy nook reading for two hours! Wow! Is that even possible?! The calendar cleared and the idea nagged at me until I gave in to the thought that this might be my only chance this month to enjoy some uninterrupted reading and it might actually be of more benefit to my family that I rest up than that I take care of the laundry, or the decorations, or the untidy house.
So, I settled in with the teapot and the stack of books picked up at the library just an hour earlier. One of my most delicious treats is tucking into the first chapter of the library books I bring home. I might not get further for many days or weeks, but the first chapter will usually tell me if I will love or hate the rest of the book.
I forgot to take a picture of my current handwork but I am nearly finished making this
snowflake garland (well, one that is very similar). I can't wait to hang it up on my hutch!
We made another little step in the decoration process today. It took three children each doing bits and pieces but the dining room tree is assembled, lighted, and decorated. Laura did most of the decorations. Don't you just love her clumped together line of ornaments all at her height! I'm almost tempted to just leave them that way. She had SO much fun doing this and kept announcing she was "helping".
And now for the books:

Christmas Joy : A Keepsake Book from the Heart of the Home
by Susan Branch was reluctantly returned to the library today. A delight to flip through, this book contains quotes, little memories, recipes, gorgeous watercolors to decorate each page, and lots and lots of good ideas for Christmas.

Christmas at Fairacre by Miss Read contained three short stories centering around the fictitious English town of Fairacre. Since this is "old world" it fit the bill for my Christmas reading.

The Perfect Meal: In Search of the Lost Tastes of France
by John Baxter is one of the books I bit into today. So far, so good! (no language and no lewd stories, yet -- just interesting talk about food in France. Long may this continue)

The Other Side of the Dale
by Gervase Phinn was the second book I started today. I think I've found a new author to read through. Set in the same countryside as James Herriot's works, this man tells of his life as a School Inspector. I think I will enjoy the descriptions of the countryside and life in the Yorkshire Dales.

Surprised by Oxford: A Memoir
by Carolyn Weber was also begun today. This was the book that I kept on reading and reading. Weber's book tells of her journey to Christianity through the surprising avenue of studying at Oxford University. Can't wait to read more.....

Fingal O'Reilly, Irish Doctor: An Irish Country Novel
by Patrick Taylor was the final book I started. This series is a tradition. Every year about this time (usually January) I get the latest in the series. I read it more because I've read all the others but it involves the lives of country doctors in rural Ireland in the 1960's or so.
Well, I think that's enough books for this week! Now I hope I can find a few more minutes for reading!!
For more ideas on knitting and reading, check out
Ginny's Yarn A Long.
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I love the tree that way! so lovely! glad you had some rest!!
You have good taste in books!
Miss Read never disappoints!
Laura is so sweet hanging the ornaments! lol. all at her height! did you move them?
Two whole hours - good for you! I love the picture of Laura helping - so sweet!
I remember Eliot putting all of the ornaments at the bottom of the tree one year. So cute. How nice to get a couple of hours! I went on a school trip with E the other day and ended up sitting blissfully in my car knitting for an hour listening to NPR just so I could be by myself ; ). I have some photos to edit today..hopefully some posts soon!
Oh wow - that snowflake garland is so cool! And you can leave it up all winter too.
So glad you were able to get some reading time to yourself.
Two hours to read! What a wonderful luxury - or necessity, probably. "Surprised by Oxford" sounds interesting. The title must be an allusion to C.S.Lewis' book "Surprised by Joy"? He was one of the famous Oxford Christians. You must let me know.
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