We had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week in Williamsburg, Virginia over fall break! We stayed at the beautiful Powhatan Resort just on the outskirts of the town. In the center of the resort (which were just regular condos) was this delightful 18th century mansion.

Our first day of touring was spent at Colonial Williamsburg, getting a feel of how much there was to see and how we would tackle it.
Here is the capital building. Jamestown was the original capital of Virginia but then, in 1699, it was decided to move the capital to Williamsburg (eventually it moved again to Richmond).

We had a glimpse inside the silversmith's. It's interesting how many trades were important back then that don't seem to be around as much anymore. Of course, maybe we just have other names for them (like gift stores, jewelry stores, etc.)
In the apothecary:
There were a number of people dressed up in period clothing:
We found the Presbyterian meeting house behind the capital building. Definitely very plain!
Had to get a picture of the preacher in the pulpit!
Michael liked the name of this place -- Edinburgh Castle
I loved the architecture. It reminded me so much of my early years in New England and the east coast.
Here's another lovely house:
We took a tour of the jail.
And looked around in the cells.
Then we stopped to watch a marching band:
It was fascinating to learn the steps of firing a canon. War was so primitive 234 years ago.
Then there was some training of the new recruits.
Every now and then a wagon or carriage would drive by.
Rachel and I were tempted to buy Laura an outfit and dress her up!!! (They did have outfits for rent since a good number of visitors like to visit in costume!)
The boys liked the tri-cornered hats!
Laura liked them too!
Even Rachel!!!
A few more patriots in the streets:
On our way home for the day we passed some sheep!
As well as a few more performers:
We don't tend to eat out on vacation but I was kind to myself and shopped at the nearby Trader Joe's where they had all kinds of yummy things in the frozen section (like potatoes, grilled veg, etc.).
Another view of the Duke of Gloucester street in Williamsburg:
Sunday dinner: lemon chicken with roasted butternut squash:
Sunday we headed to church at Grace Covenant PCA which was nearly around the corner!! Then, we had a dear family friend come for lunch!!!! It was so fun to catch up and be in our friend's "neck of the woods" for once!
We were blessed with beautiful weather all week even though it started out on the chilly side.
After lunch on Sunday we took a nice walk around the resort.
The Powhatan mansion is left open for people to walk around any time so we poked our heads inside.
It would make a wonderful family home I think!
Perhaps the heating bill might be a little high.
In the evening we spent some time coloring together. Have you seen how popular the adult coloring books are these days? I couldn't resist one at the book store before we left and it was a big hit! We all loved it!
It is time consuming though!! This took 2 hours!
And that was it for the first two days. More to follow!