My sister is busy working on another version of her newly designed tank.
Mom's flowers are looking lovely!
The zinnias are our favorites!
The delights of going to Grandma's -- special treats!
We also spent time digging through Mom's hall closet, looking for pictures from our years in Africa, and discovering pictures from the year we were married, baby pictures, pictures of trips overseas, and even two ancient cookbooks belonging to my Great-Grandmother, which will definately be showing up on this blog at some point. And then we dug through Mom's boxes of old little treasures -- jewelry, gloves worn by my Grandmother, pins won in a competition, and baby rattles.
How thankful I am for the gift of being close to family. After living away for 6 1/2 years, and most of those on another continent, it is very special to be so close we can drive to each other's houses whenever we want.