Being a family with lots of foodies, Christmas meant enjoying lovely food and cooking together.
Brunch, while opening presents, is traditional:

Mom began making Cardamon Bread for Christmas when we lived in Chicago. Now it is one of those tastes we associate with Christmas. One day, I'll have to post the recipe:

When Michael and I married I began making this tea ring for Christmas breakfast each year. We often have different fillings: apricot, festive apple, or rasberry jam:

Rachel decided to make all the boys and men biscotti for their gift. I think Baby was expecting something a bit more chewable:

Sometime after noon preparations for Christmas dinner began in earnest. Brussel sprouts were the vegetable of honor:

Uncle Bill suggested stuffed pork loin. Carefully he sliced the loin open and laid it flat:

On went the sourdough, sausage, cranberry and sweet-potato stuffing:

Rolled up and tied securely with string,

it was plopped in the pan and surrounded by apples:

Here we are doing the "Martha Stewart and Guest" pose -- don't you think!!

The table was set with my birthday tablecloth and the birthday flower arrangement which has now dried to a lovely centerpiece. A surprise package in the mail yielded Christmas crackers!!!!

And the crackers were in gold, to match the napkin rings! How perfect!

I made a pumpkin-gingerbread cake for dessert, but everyone was too full to eat it. Oh well. Next year I won't bother with dessert. Cookies will be enough!

The Christmas Fruitcake was allowed out of its tin:

Everyone lended a hand. Emily mashes the potatoes and turnips:

Mom helps with the gravy (made with some of my precious crab-apple jelly):

Here is the incredible stuffed pork loin with the gravy poured on top:

Cracker-pulling time:

On went the crowns:

Here we all are. And, we all wore our crowns for the whole meal! Michael has come a long way!!!

My dinnerplate: pork loin, mashed potatoes and turnips, butternut squash gratin, brussel sprouts with pancetta, homemade rolls, homemade applesauce, and salad. The salad was incredible: greens with fuji apple, dried cranberries, toasted pecans, freeze-dried apples for crunch on top and a creamy gorgonzola crumbled throughout. Amazing!

Cookies and mince pies for dessert:

There were even some chocolates we made:

We were just sitting down when we remembered that we'd forgotten to make the eggnog! Thanks to the vitamix, this was an easy chore:

After a delightful glass of eggnog is was time to call it a day!