Peonies are one of the prettiest flowers (in my opinion). Not only are the beautiful, but, they have an incredible perfume.
I wish these peonies were mine. However, they are not. I took the pictures at Conner Prairie earlier this week.

Don't you just love that shade of clean, pure pink!

My peonies are not fairing very well, yet. Only one of the 6 roots have made appearance. I haven't given up hope for the rest. The three transplants are still alive. They haven't grown much, but aren't showing any signs of giving up. I hope they will feel happier in their new home next year.

If this peony were edible, it would be very tempting indeed!

We even saw a red peony variety -- interesting, with it's single layer of petals:

I hope you all have a pleasant weekend! We are making progress on potty training(!) as well as my overhaul of the kitchen. The weather is wonderful and I am really, really enjoying having no school! I have so much more time for housework! :)