Christmas Day 2015 was a delightful day full of family, friends, good food, and lovely memories. Here is the tree all ready for Christmas morning:
And the stockings ready for the children to find:
Our traditional breakfast includes fruit salad, bacon-wrapped smokies, tea ring, and this year I added brown sugar bacon. One of the best parts of the day for me was enjoying a cup of real Assam tea -- wow did it taste good!!!!!!
After reading Luke 2, Michael handed out the presents:
Each of the kids had a sibling to buy/make for. Rachel spent hours working on her Minecraft-themed present for Andrew.
David spent days sewing things out of wool for presents. Michael got a Christmas tree. I love it!!!
Well, David was excited about his gift from Grandpa and Grandma!
We all love Laura's doll outfit that James created for her.
More present opening and enjoyment:
But, we paused at 10 a.m. for the traditional listening to the Queen's Speech (British).
Rachel and Andrew LOVED their emoji pillows!!!
Laura picked the perfect gift for Rachel!!!!
Grandma arrived part way through the morning. James sewed a swan for her.
While I busied myself in the kitchen the kids tried out some of their new gifts:
Then we headed over to Eagle Creek for our traditional Christmas hike. Great weather!
Grandma loved this tree!
And we even managed a family photo!!!

Then we stopped for our picnic lunch of hot cocoa, homemade marshmallows and Cornish pasties. The wind picked up and it was cold where we sat.
Back at home it was time to cook the Christmas dinner and get the table set.
We had a traditional British Christmas dinner with roast turkey and sausage/chestnut stuffing balls.
Two dear friends joined us for dinner with Emily and Craig popping in for a quick visit just beforehand.
Dinner was yummy! I especially enjoyed the turkey, the roasted parsnips with carrots, and the mashed turnips with potatoes.
Meanwhile, the puddings were boiling away in pots getting ready for dessert.
Setting the pudding alight:

Singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" as the pudding arrives at the table.
We had eggnog as well -- the coconut milk nog is pretty good!
A family picture with Dr. Blackwood:
Great fun!
And so it was a most pleasant day with much to be thankful for!!!