These early autumn days have been lovely here in Indiana. The temperature has been warm during the day and cool at night, the sky has been gorgeous, and nature is taking on that golden hue.
Our school studies keep the days filled. At the end of August we drove up to Mounds State Park so we could get a look in person at the ancient Indian mounds. We began our visit with a tour around the historic Bronnenberg home which was built in the early days of Indiana's statehood.
We had a wonderful guide. It's always fun to see in person the kinds of things you are studying about in books.
I love the kids' faces in this photo!
And I also loved all the quilts on these beds!!
After the historic house we walked down the trail to the Indian mounds. It seems no one knows for sure what the mounds were used for -- burials possibly, or perhaps religious activities.
We continued on down to the White River.
The boys decided to wade across to an island and add a few stones to the stone pillars there.
We found a few huge trees -- Indiana used to be covered in forests with very large trees.
We kept passing squirrel cafeterias.
The kids found a dugout canoe to try out.
Another exciting family event in August was Andrew taking his vows of church membership!
In early September we had the joy of helping to host a pastor's family from Singapore! They too are a homeschooling family so we had a lot in common! We decided to take them to Conner Prairie to show them a little American history.

And it went right along with our current studies too, which was nice.
We took along some Asian food for lunch. Yum, yum! One of these days I need to share the recipe for the Asian chicken salad. It was SO good.
I loved this doll bed in the carpentry shop.
And the china in the general store!!!
Look at these two cute kids in the conestoga wagon! We'll be studying that history before too long.
It was a hot day and the sheep were all tucked up against the fans in the barn!
Hearing about the life of a fur trader:
Watching the carpenters at work:
James got a little bored at lunch and found a leaf to carve on. He can't resist raccoons.
Here are the two families together, minus the photographer!
We had another big picnic over Labor Day. Lots of fun and lots of kids running around.
August and September are golf season for Rachel. Laura enjoyed coming with me to watch the matches and put in a little time as flag tender.
The garden is looking very "Septemberish":
And some of the days we've had required a jacket and a switch over to my "new to me" fall purse.
One evening we joined my mom at her church for a night of praise and then viewing of artwork done by members of the congregation. Here's mom's painting that she did to capture the work of one of the church's local ministries.
Apple pie has been calling my name all month! I think I've managed to make at least 5 or 6 so far. They are so good!
Eagle Creek also calls to me constantly. I love to hike or walk here. James and I even managed to get out with Grandma one evening for another kayak trip (which ended with Grandma falling overboard and laughing so hard she could hardly get out).
The first nine weeks of school are nearly up! It's hard to believe! Two more weeks until fall break!