Every morning I go out to check the progress of the garden. Lettuce and radishes are poking through! Today I caught a glimpse of the very first squash. I wonder if my anticipation is akin to my friends' anticipation I read about of what the next episode of "such and such" will be on television. :)
Monday we got our pots filled with dirt: a mixture of soil, peat moss and cow manure. Rachel decided it was like acting out the miracle of the never-ending supply of oil.

Everyone had fun helping. Some helped longer than others.

We had lots of herbs to plant!

I am so pleased with my perrenial bed! This is its second year and I feel the plants are much more established.

Flowers are starting to bloom, along with this native-to-Indiana grass:

The columbines are so pretty:

With a fresh layer of mulch, the gardens look terrific:

The myriad of gladiolas we planted a few weeks ago are poking their first spears up through the mulch:

By the end of the evening, all our pots were filled!

And the herbs were planted:

I'm sure you just can't wait to see the next episode in this season's Growing Home series. :)
BTW, I almost forgot -- I have just repotted my aloe plant and have 4 small ones to give away. Anyone in the area that would like an aloe plant? Let me know!
Looks great! What beautiful plants! It is so exciting seeing things come up and then all the growth until harvest.
I was looking for you pink peonies. . .wondering how they are doing. . .I let my mind wander yesterday as I recieved an email asking if I could sell some of mine for a wedding. . and of course thought many many years ahead to the wedding you will have. . that will require many pink peonies. .
YOur garden and your wee helpers are looking wonderful. .
Your gardens look wonderful! I can't imagine being able to put pots of things on my patio, but maybe someday when my children are older...yesterday they ate the buds off of my rose bush! Good thing I hadn't sprayed it with anything!
Great work! Don't you love it plants come back each year fuller and stronger! Can't wait to see your gladiolas. They are going to be beautiful.
Your garden looks great! I'm a little depressed about our garden; it seems our frost on Monday killed 8 and 2 halves of our 10 tomatoes, 3-4 of our peppers, and maybe some of our broccoli. Ugh. And then, unlike Catherine, it's the four-legged visitor that is eating our plants. Anybody have tips for keeping bunnies out of the garden? No, Pippi is not the answer. I think Pippi likes to chase the rabbit, but only as a game, not as a hunt, and the rabbit has no fear . . .
But if you still have any, I'll see if I can keep an aloe plant alive :}
Fun post- I love all the pots of herbs! I need to find me some aloe one of these days.
Thats a lot of work, but you and your family will really benefit from it. What is the brown box in the perrenial bed?
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