It's taken me all week to get this post up! The stomach flu saga lasted 14 days, and it wasn't until Monday that we woke up feeling better, although we are still struggling with colds.
This week we have tried to take it easy, and I have dived into end-of-the-year projects like updating the finances, totally reorganizing my closet (which is the size of the entire upstairs of our house in Scotland so it is no little job!), and cleaning the windows and blinds downstairs.
Emily is busy doing flowers for a wedding this weekend, and Michael is trying to nurse his voice back to health so he can perform the wedding and preach on Sunday!
Our Christmas was definitely different. Not taking the weeks of sickness into account, December was a much less stressful month than usual, mostly because we needed to stay home with Laura and not do crazy busy things. The kids and I will have some great memories of tree cutting, Frog and Toad production, gingerbread houses, decorating, and a few crafts. I think Christmas day was a bit of a let-down due to sickness, but the kids still had great fun and that's the important part.
Here are some pictures from the day:

Grandma took care of filling the stockings:

Christmas Eve night -- the tree all ready for the morning. I LOVED our tree this year. It's off to decorate the wedding reception now.

For those who could eat, we had our traditional Christmas morning breakfast. It was decided to do away with Christmas dinner and instead eat chicken soup. Different, but easy.

Waiting for the excitement to begin:

Michael taking it easy:

Laura surprised us all and decided to sit on her own. The best Christmas present ever!!!

The little munchkins:

Andrew bought these socks for Laura:

Explaining one of the gifts:

The sisters. Oh, and speaking of sisters, poor Christina woke up with the stomach flu Christmas morning and had to send her husband and baby away by themselves to the in-laws for the planned Christmas celebration. So, we went and picked her up to join the sick house for a few hours and at least feel a little festive.

Laura enjoying herself:

We tried homemade marshmallows for the very first time this year and they are AMAZING!!! I can't wait to make them again.

In the middle of all the fun:

Hanging out with Grandma, who, incidentally, came down with the flu several days later. Poor thing! It was so kind of her to come and be with us.

So here's a bit more of a realistic picture:

The front door:

One of the nicest parts of the day was the walk some of us took outdoors. It was beautiful!

Can you see the cardinal?

Happy kids!

Walking in a winter wonderland:

It was still, peaceful, and beautiful. And we even saw a deer run by.

Then we tried out the sledding:

It was such great fun that I took the kids back two more days.

Mom and I

Down the hill with Grandma:

And back up again.

And now the new year is just about upon us. This past year has been a difficult one for our family. I think we are all ready to put it behind us and begin again. We have no idea what the new year holds, but we look forward to seeing how if unfolds.
Happy New Year to you!!