I finished my spring tea cozy since last Wednesday!!!! yay! Now I can officially put away the Christmas pudding cozy and enjoy daffodils!!!! I LOVE it!!!! I used
Attic24's daffodil pattern.
I also managed to finish this wreath, begun with Christina last week, just in time for the first day of spring! This wreath makes me so happy. I think it is perhaps one of my most favorite things I have ever made for myself. Inspiration also from Attic24 except that her wreath was all crochet!
Another piece finished this week was my Greta vest in gray. I used yarn I had recycled from a Goodwill purchased GAP sweater. I knitted it using
Christina's Greta Vest pattern and then traded some things with Christina to get her to block it for me. I was so pleased with the results!!!!
Regular readers will be sick of seeing another
Sweet Pea Hat but I do love knitting them and I tell you, I have more friends having babies this year than ever!
If you think all I do is sit around and knit, let me assure you that all of this knitting is happening at the same time something else is going on: family worship, schoolwork, visiting with friends, or watching a movie with Michael. Making double use of time is the only way these things happen. :)
I also want to say how grateful I am to have this yarn and wool to play with! It may sound silly, but I do pray for yarn and wool! And God provides me with good prices, gifts, friends who want to get rid of their supplies, and time to make flowers to sell so I can buy wool. As long as there is provision, I will keep knitting!!!!

Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle was finished up this week with the children. We all enjoyed this story of a young boy growing up in Medieval Germany. It involved castle raids, life in a monastery, and fleeing from enemies. And it has a sweet little ending.

Gluten-Free on a Shoestring, Quick and Easy: 100 Recipes for the Food You Love--Fast!
by Nicole Hunn is the followup book to Hunn's first cookbook. I was so excited this past week when a friend gave it to me as a gift! Hunn's first book is, I think, the only gluten-free cookbook I own and I use it often for recipes and to send the children to when they want to bake. Looking through this new book I am excited to try many things, especially all the mixes in the back (cake, muffin, etc.)

In the Midst of Life
by Jennifer Worth is a book I have mentioned before but am continuing to make my way through. The book addresses the important issue of death and dying and argues that in our day so many shrink from this subject and seek to avoid it at all costs when instead we ought to be thoughtfully prepared for our own deaths and lovingly involved in the care of those around us who may be dying. I haven't finished the book yet but will let you know my final opinion of it when I do. For now, I think it is the kind of book every adult should read and think about.
That's it for this week! For more ideas on knitting and reading hop over to
Ginny's Yarn Along.
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