Friday, December 7, 2007

Advent Calendar

The advent calendar is probably the longest tradition in my family that I can remember. My mom had them when she was little, and she had them for us. We even made our own -- Mom's were beautiful watercolors and ours were painted as best we could. Now my children open the advent calendars.

This calendar is an exact copy of the one my mom had as a child and that I "claimed" as my own growing up. I not only loved the scene itself, but on the 7th I always thought the picture was of a cake with a candle. It wasn't until I was older I realized it was just a table!

One year I painted an exact copy of this entire calendar for a friend. Fortunately, once I was married we found a shop that carried the same calendar so I could have my own!

This calendar definately says "Christmas time" to me.

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