Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bits and Pieces from the Week

Here are the boys, all dressed up for church. It is very hard (with no energy) to get a good shot, but here's the best of the lot. :)

James told me tonight he is getting me a PT Cruiser for my birthday. The next thing he said was that he would "tow it here." That doesn't sound so good.... He also indicated he'd be having 10 children when he grows up. :)

My sister Christina took the kids on Saturday after Andrew's soccer game. My other sister Emily casually mentioned in conversation later in the day. "Yes, I guess Christina cut David's hair." "What?????????" Thanks for clueing me in AFTER the fact! My poor baby, losing his little wisps of baby curls. "Did she save a piece?" I asked. I think Emily thought I was nuts. But, I think I do have a piece from the very first little bits I had to cut off months ago. Anyway, thanks, C, everyone's hair looks great, and David's really did need to be cut. :)

Yes, VICTORIA is back! Can you believe it!!!! We all felt it was a bit early for Christmas, and didn't feel in the mood. But, we are happy to have the magazine back and can't wait for future issues.
One day this week Rachel was bored, so I suggested she make some greeting cards. I gave her some of my cardstock and stickers and the idea to put a Scripture verse on the front. She brought me back her first creation which definately gave me a big smile for the day. I quietly read to myself, "Surely vexation kills the fool, and jealousy slays [the] simple." Job 5:2.

I told Rachel what a great job she did and off-handedly suggested she try the book of Psalms for the next few cards. :)

Here is another "View from Bed". I am so thankful for the beauty of my bedroom (even though it's not really decorated yet, just painted and furnished).
And here is my big girl! A friend passed on some clothes and we were all delighted with this outfit. What a precious gift Rachel is. The Lord knew I needed a capable little girl to help me with all that I cannot do.

Quote of the Week:

"When the goodness, joy, and glories of life cease to be perceived by our five, physical senses, our only remaining means to know such things is through our faith -- that which we know to be true by revelation rather than personal experience or observation."


Heather Anne said...

What a beautiful family you have! They are so precious Heather! I love the card, and the verse, and your secretary looks lovely with those georgeous silks adorning it! Something very pretty to look at and be encouraged by! How are you doing on your journal these days? I love the way you have cut out pictures of the things that inspire you and journaled around them - very artistic - I see where your sweet girl Rachel gets her ability!
Did it rain in your corner of the midwest today? We had rain late afternnon and it is still coming down - it sounds so lovely and smells so wonderful! I was glad to get the wash out early enough to get dry! My big girl raced out at the first sign of raindrops and hauled it all in for me! Aren't big girls wonderful helpers?

Anonymous said...

Rachel looks so grown up! I love the pics of the kids! Rachel told me she was making cards to sell to save money for a new watch. It all sounds so familiar! Sorry about David's hair. He was so cute sitting on JK's lap, sipping his milk while I cut his hair... we needed a pic of that! Love you!

Karen Reyburn said...

oooh, rachel is so big!! she looks beautiful. and i still am laughing at the story of the cards :) it's a classic.

love to you, and I loved reading the last few blog posts. what a joy.