I feel like I've been looking for September, and maybe today I finally caught a glimpse of it.

We've had the air-conditioning on to help with seasonal allergies, and the temps have still been climbing to 80 each day, so it's been hard to feel that cool breeze that reminds you fall is just around the corner.
Today I was driving my favorite "back way" and did finally feel like I was seeing signs of fall: harvesting, a few little leaves scattered on the road, the deep blue September sky, and the yellows beginning to appear in the forest and fields.

I love barns, and country scenes. I'm studying color for an art class next month and so I'm trying to notice it all right now. Green and red are complimentary colors -- is that why red barns look so nice in green landscapes? (Although I have to admit, this barn, in person, does have a distinctive pink ring to it.)

Every now and then there are a few leaves starting to turn:

Even the field of drying soybeans with the "disguised" water treament plant managed to look appealing today:

So I was glad of my little drive to help put me in the September mood. I suppose fall comes next week. A fall tea with treacle scones sounds so good to me. I'm a bit down by the fact that my oven isn't going to be fixed for perhaps another 10 days or so. It puts a big wrench in my schedule for what I needed to use it for in the next week or so, but I guess I need to learn to be content......
There's a big to-do list in front of me but somehow I just don't feel like doing very much - -fatigue, fatigue. Oh well. At least I think the kids got some good school done today. :) Have a good weekend!
I don't want it to turn fall in Indiana too soon ... I want it to still be pretty in mid-October when I'm there. But, I sure appreciated your pictures of the beautiful green landscape and the red barn.
It was gorgeous on our drive to Danville, Illinois earlier in the week.
I noticed in particular that the shades of green are changing in the forests.
I had an art class (long, long ago) where the teacher had us notice all the different shades of green in nature.
I'm not so sure I like the return to 80 degree highs.
I was just talking to Niall last night about the Autumn and how I dont mind it coming now that we had a few good days in a row, and that we have the decking:o) It means that when it rains, which you will remember is a lot, I can still go out into the back garden.
The photos are truly lovely and it helps me to look forwards to this, my FAVOURITE time of the year.
Its been a warm day here today but the evening is turning cooler, a sure sign of autumn. I have been noticing the leaf colours begin to change over the last few days, its a lovely time of year.
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