Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, and Food

And then my dear husband came to rescue and said he would go by the garage sales and make sure there wasn't anything important I was missing! (Michael does not like to go shopping, or garage-sale shopping) So, on the way home from taking Andrew to soccer (along with all three other children --- I wonder what the other soccer moms think of this Dad who shows up with 3 kids and a baby and no wife!) Michael found a bookshelf at one of the garage sales! Yeah! It was quite large, and made of real wood, and fitted perfectly in his office (And, Michael even bargained with the lady to get it for $10!). This afternoon he was able to get all the piles of books off his floor and onto shelves!
Another thing I've missed by being stuck at home is Thrift Store Shopping. It's that primal instinct of "the hunt" and the possibility of discovering treasures (or good deals) that draws me. My two sisters went out yesterday to several local Thrift stores and Goodwills. This morning Michael found a pile by my door with a beautiful card. They had found me three lovely blouses and a pair of Lauren khakis!
And then there is the Food side to this illness. My appetite has been so bad for almost a year, and when I get stuck in bed it pretty much disappears. Sometimes I think I ought to change my profile on this blog -- I've not been feeling like a Foodie recently. :) Anyway, I was pretty discouraged about eating this morning and had no idea what to ask Michael to bring me. So, Michael took over and told me he would find something to "tempt" me. (Michael is NOT a foodie -- or rather, he is not a kitchen person, but he has certainly developed a much broader appreciation and understanding of food since we were married :) ) Up came a tray with a beautiful array of food. There was a plate with sliced strawberries and slices of two kinds of cheese, a plate with two kinds of crackers and half a whole-wheat english muffin, and three little glasses with cottage cheese, stewed apples, and yogurt. That definately made my day! Thank you, Michael!
With an illness like this, there are so many ups and downs -- sometimes hourly, usually daily, always weekly. I have been so encouraged today just thinking about the things I've written above, and how God has sent little blessings to me in the midst of trying times. I pray that I will continue to be patient and faithful through the down-times that are ahead and keep looking for the blessings.
I thought I'd post a few more pictures from the kids' outing earlier in the week. They had so much fun. And today they got to go out to Panera for lunch with Auntie Em (this was her gift to James for his birthday). (Another foodie note -- they brought me back a whole-grain bagel which has certainly added interest to my fare this afternoon!!!!)
I have memories of going with my sisters and my Mom to a pumpkin place like this when I was a child. We were allowed to pick our "own" pumpkin to bring home.
I hope you all have a good weekend!
A note to Jenny and Sabine -- could you send me a comment (which I will not publish) with your email address so I can "comment" back to you. Thanks :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Few Thoughts From Today

Today the children (except David) went off with Grandma and Auntie C to celebrate James' birthday. They went to Auntie C's for an indoor picnic (due to rain) and then went to a pumpkin store. They brought back a number of specimens and some beautiful photos (which I may publish later in the week).
Michael went food shopping for us yesterday as my sister was busy studying for tests. He did a great job and followed the list I sent. He took James and Baby David and even managed to pick out David's first pair of shoes! It was fun to watch David walk around as if he was wearing 5-pound weights on his feet. He'll get used to the shoes before very long.
I am working on coming to grips with the fact that this recovery is going to be long and slow. Sometimes it is hard to give up thoughts of going to social functions, visiting friends (or having them visit), go shopping, etc. Looking on the bright side, I'm having plenty of time for reading, being home with the kids, and working on small little scrapbook or crafting projects. I'm trying to teach myself that it is okay to miss out on things (like the picnic/pumpkin outing today). In the end everyone is happier if I'm not a basket case at the end of the day. :)
I am reading a book on World War I right now. This is a portion of history that I know little about and would appreciate any recommendations of good books with an overview of this time. I've been so fascinated by World War II and hearing so many first-hand accounts of it when we lived in Scotland. I figured I ought to find out more about the War that preceeded it.
That's all for now. It is a very rainy evening here in the Midwest. I think tomorrow will bring cooler, more Fall-like temperatures.
Friday, September 21, 2007
This and That

Today I finally finished up this little pink cardigan that I have been knitting for a new baby in church. I LOVE the color pink that this yarn came in. The feel of the yarn is very nice too -- I had to knit it double as the yarn was too thin for my pattern. It came out a nice "jacket" weight for fall.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday Dinner

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Out and About

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Last Few Days

Saturday, September 8, 2007
End of the Week

The children and I tried out my new teapot (a gift from the last wedding) at teatime today. It has a wonderful strainer that sits inside the top so you can use loose tea without the hassle of holding up a strainer. The pot worked so well. The children sat around oohing and ahhing at the downpour outside and drinking their tea and eating snacks.
Rachel and Andrew and I are reading Farmer Boy right now and so we got through a few chapters today. I always loved that book because of the abundant descriptions of food all throughout. My memories are not letting me down, the book is so fun to read.
Tomorrow I am hoping to make it to church! This will be the first time since my "crash" in July. I've been progressing well this week and am no longer bed-ridden! Yeah!!! I've been able to help with lunch and dinner and one day managed them both by myself! (I'm still not doing much of the clean up) I am so thankful for the progress.
Happy Sunday to all of you!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
The Duck
My Dad made Andrew a flying duck for his birthday and brought it over on Monday for Andrew
I never took a picture of the finished product, but it looks terrific! I'll have to include it in a later post.
We've completed our first two days of school this Fall! So far things are going well and I am able to monitor from the couch in the loft where we do school. I haven't taken the "first day of school" pictures yet, but maybe sometime soon.
Fall is not here yet -- the weather is still very hot. But, my family gave me two beautiful mums and we have squash on the table with the apple-cider flavored candles. So, with the air-conditioning on, we can pretend it is Fall!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Andrew's 5th Birthday