Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Recycle, Reuse, Reinvent
I'm trying to collect some old 100% wool sweaters, vests, etc. to "felt" and then turn into creative things. I happened to think that some of you just might have some old, possibly ratty, maybe ugly or out of style sweaters hanging around that you are anxious to clear out of your closets before Christmas arrives. If any of you (in my area) do happen to have some such things, I would be happy to relieve you of them so I can recycle, reuse, and reinvent with them. :)
One of the blogs I enjoy finding inspiration from is: . This site will give you an idea of some things that can be created from old wool items. Of course now you may find yourself wanting to hang onto those old garments, and create yourself.
And just in case you are worrying: No, I'm not implying that I have ever seen any of you wearing ugly or out of style sweaters!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Somebody Loves Grandpas Yogurt

Once I feel up to making yogurt again, I'll have to follow Dad's very scientific procedure, and maybe mine will turn out better too. In the mean time, we'll just keep enjoying "Grandpa's Yogurt" whenever it makes its appearance.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving in Pictures

The tables were beautiful, and each person had a specialized name place created just for them
There were lots of appetizers to choose from:
Flowers were everywhere, thanks to Mom
The little Indians had their own table all to themselves

The highlight of the feast was Christine's smoked turkey breasts (which I somehow just deleted!). These are done on the grill and taste amazing!

Friday, November 23, 2007
Remembering Helen
Helen lived in Scotland and that is where I met her, through our church there. We soon became fast friends and the children and I spent many happy afternoons in her sitting room, visiting and drinking lots of tea. We always celebrated birthdays together. Here is a picture from Helen's birthday, a few months before we left Scotland:
For Andrew's last birthday in Scotland, Helen insisted on providing the cake since I was so busy with other things. She ordered a cake from her favorite bakery and it came complete with a car on top for Andrew. He loved it!
I always loved Helen's house. It was here that she spent most of her childhood, and all of her adult years. It was filled with family furniture and mementos. There was a walled garden out back, with plenty of large heather bushes, and, in the spring, beautiful bulbs in bloom.
Helen is the one who introduced me to the BBC Good Food magazine. Each month she would pass on to me her copy, which I always read through and saved. (I have a huge pile in my closet that I brought back with me). That magazine played a major role in my cooking development. Helen's cooking specialties were soups and chutneys. Our visits always included some sort of conversation about cooking.
Other favorite memories of Helen were the times I left the children at home and met up with Helen downtown. We started with a nice long cup of tea and a scone at the Goldroom and ended with a walk up into town -- sometimes stopping at a charity shop to see what treasure we might find, but always ending up at Donnie's for one or two groceries, and most often a sack of raisins and grapes for the children.

Saying goodbye to Helen was one of the things I dreaded most about leaving Scotland. Somehow I figured I might not see her again on this earth. We said goodbye, but we kept in touch, and spoke on the phone each week until Helen went into hospital.
A friendship like this is a special gift from God. One never knows when a "Helen" might be waiting just around the corner -- someone you meet for the first time and have no idea how special they will become. I thank the Lord for Helen and the blessing she was to our lives.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turning 7
During rest time Rachel and Andrew decided to surprise us by making party hats and writing names on paper napkins. Here are Grandma and Auntie Em, sporting their lovely hats!
And here are the insepparable buddies

Rachel helped Grandma make a plain cake which we filled with some cherry pie filling and iced with sweetened cream, tinted pink

Grandma Winslow came with a big sewing basket for Rachel. Grandma LeFebvre sent lots of fun things to go inside! Rachel has been busy ever since!

Michael let the two boys choose a gift for Rachel -- James chose to buy her a cell phone and Andrew chose to buy a doll from the "Loving Family" collection

Daddy found a beautiful necklace with a little turtle on it since Rachel is our little turtle, having been born in Turtle Creek, PA

And I can't resist adding this picture of Baby Cakes, who has been very grumpily trying to cut his top molars. Poor Baby!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thinking Christmas

When we were little, we made just about ALL of our Christmas presents. I can remember making my Mom a necklace out of a single crochet chain and being so excited to give it to her that I couldn't wait until Christmas and let her have it early. :)
I also remember the year that I turned 11. That year I made little gifts for every member in our extended family, down to my Dad's five cousins, their spouses, and their children. The gifts were simple -- little wooden puzzles for the fathers, pincushions or painted hearts for the mothers, and sewn toys for the children. I spent months getting ready and emptied out the bottom drawer of my dresser to stash all these presents. I even remember enlisting my best friends to help me wrap! I have no idea how my mother managed to post everything away, but I remember being thanked by several members of the family, so they must have made it.
One year my Dad brought home a huge bag and wouldn't let us look in it. He explained it all to Mom who then locked herself in our schoolroom for many nights. All we could hear was the faint whirr of the sewing machine, and we could only try to guess what was going on. Christmas morning greeted us each with a beautiful, large, rag doll, complete with an adorable outfit. We loved those dolls!
Other years we kids made cards, potholders, tea cozies; once we made a look-alike American Girl Doll complete with a whole wardrobe of clothes, a wooden bed and accessories for my sister who was longing to own Samantha.
Being confined pretty much to home this year, and without the pressure of outside engagements, my thoughts have turned again to making presents. I suggested to Rachel the other day that she might want to make some stacks of cards for presents. She immediately set to work, and before the day was done, she had at least 3 piles, neatly tied with satin ribbon. I can't say what my mind has been brainstorming, lest I spoil some surprises, but I'm having fun dreaming. We'll see what turns into reality.
The picture at the top shows the stockings I sewed the first Christmas we lived in Scotland. I boldly asked for scraps at the local tailor's and pieced together three stockings from the results. They are not stunning, but they were creative for what I had.
And so I am looking forward to extending the Thanksgiving season just a bit longer, and am not planning to decorate for Christmas until sometime in the first week of December, but in the mean time I'll enjoy my little secret thoughts about Christmas and what I might be able to make.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pictures from the Week

Our little secret is putting a frozen roast in the crockpot and letting it cook on low overnight. It's worked everytime and there is no more fussing about getting something thawed at the right time.
These mums came from a friend in memory of Michael's Grandmother. They look perfect in our living room, and make it feel more like Fall.
A gaggle of turkeys appeared on the kitchen table the other day when Grandma was here. She and the kids made about 25 of these cute little birds which will serve as place markers for our Thanksgiving feast. I thought they were extremely clever!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
For those of you, who, like me, may have forgotten Squanto's story, here is a brief rundown:
- Squanto was born and raised in Massachusetts
- He was captured by explorers and taken to England where he worked for 9 years and learned English. Eventually he made it back to his own people in America
- He was captured a second time by other explorers and taken to the slave market in Malaga, Spain
- He was rescued from the slave market by friars who showed kindness to Squanto and eventually helped him get to England and look for a way home
- When Squanto finally returned home he found every last member of his tribe had been wiped out by disease; he was forced to find refuge in a neighboring tribe
- He then discovered the Pilgrims, living on the very land where he had grown up. He decided to befriend them and taught them all they needed to know in order to survive.
The Pilgrims must have been astounded to find an Indian who spoke English, understood their ways, and was willing to be their friend. I suppose our nation owes much to this man whose suffering brought life to so many.
The kids and I are enjoying reading about Columbus, Jamestown, and the Pilgrims. We're following a history textbook, but making use of all the books we can order from the library. And, it just so happens that Thanksgiving is around the corner. The children will be well-educated just in time to participate in a day where history meets the present. We, too, have much to be thankful for this year.
Photo courtesy of Karen Reyburn
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
As I walked through the front doors, it was almost as if I was moving in slow motion, walking onto center stage in an epic film. I felt as if everything around me should stop, the background music reach a great crescendo, and I should burst into song: "I'm back!"
In reality, no one noticed anything out of the ordinary. In fact, no one really noticed my existence except for a cheerful man in a wheelchair with whom I exchanged a big smile. But I was noticing everything -- I didn't care if it was only Walmart, I was re-entering the WORLD!
I can remember feeling this unique set of emotions once before -- when we moved back from Scotland to the United States. Flying home on that last flight I was once again "re-entering" and I felt then, too, that everyone should realize: "I'm an American and I'm moving HOME!" But, once again, it was a private moment that no one knew of.
However, my kids are beginning to feel Mommy's presence again. Hopefully, it is mostly to their happiness, but I'm sure it is not exactly fun to be having a more scheduled "clean up" time, or a mother that is more present to sort out disagreements. :)
Here's a picture of Rachel and Andrew playing dentist the other day.