William Arthur Winterbottom
June 24, 1946 -- September 5, 2009

I have many memories of Uncle Bill which include:
Waiting forever until Uncle Bill woke up in the mornings so I could bring my legos in and dump them all over the bed to play
The cooler filled with lobster and clams that accompanied Uncle Bill on his trips from Maine to our house in Vermont
Model airplanes, "dope" (glue), and balsa wood
Clamming in front of his house in Maine
Laughing with glee as we "cleaned the kitchen" using an open-topped vitamix, water and plenty of dish soap
Fishing off the coast of Maine and hitting a school of mackerel
Sailing to Jewel Island and camping there for several days
Good food -- always good food: real eggnog, smoked meats, lobster, clams, filet mignon, steaks, blueberry pancakes on the huge stove, clam chowder, taco feeds.....
Staying on his boat in Mattituck, Long Island where "everywhere you look there's a project"
Racing on Uncle Bill's sailboat and being scared to death the boat would tip right over into the water
Making funny commercials for Grey Poupon
Enjoying the holidays together this past year
Watching my kids get to know this funny uncle
I'm sorry about your uncle's death, Heather. How sudden, how sad. I will pray for your mom.
I am so sorry to hear of the sudden death of your dear funny Uncle Bill, Heather - I am especially sorry for your sweet mom and I will lift her up in prayer. What a blessing that you had an extended visit with him last winter which now will be some of your many cherished memories. I am sure your children are sorrowing too - it's hard to loose someone who brought such joy and whimsy. I think every 'Bill' I know is a bit of a character - it must go with the name!
I'm so sorry Heather, that your family has lost such a loved member. I have really enjoyed your little snippets of Uncle Bill that you have written in the past year or so, and I'll miss them. He seemed such a fine man and full of character and personality, and I'm glad you have such wonderful memories of him. I'll be thinking of you all, and praying for you, and especially for your mother as you say you say goodbye.
Rachel L
Heather .. .we all get to know each other favorite family .. and I well remember your Uncle Bill's visits to your house.. .
I am so sorry to hear of his sudden passing. I'll be thinking of you.
This must be a hard time for all of you. You'll be in my prayers this week.
I talked with your Mom last night and my heart was feeling so hurt for her....you know she is truly my sister. At the same time, I see the goodness of the Lord in that Bill didn't apparently have to suffer, or spend long days/weeks in a hospital. Also in the gift of this past year when he was in her life, and your's, so much more, and at a very vulnerable time in her own life. We pray that he and the Lord made that connection of the heart even though Bill never seemed to accept institutional church. You are all in my prayers!
Love you! Aunt Deb
So sorry to hear of your family's loss. We are praying for strength and grace for you guys. Love you!
I am so sorry to read about your loss Heather.
I really enjoyed reading your blogs when your uncle Bill was visiting...I know you and all your family must feel so sad at this time.
Luv & Hugz to you & your Mum X
I was so sorry to hear of his passing. Your blog posts this year showed what a fun man he was.
You all will be in our prayers.
Ah Heather, I am so sorry. I am a bit shocked too, seeing his photo and reading that he died. I thought from reading your posts about him that he was a real character. I looked forwards to seeing him and what he was cooking:0)
Take care now and enjoy your very happy memories of him.
What nice memories... he sounds like a wonderful man. I'm very sorry for your loss, and will be praying for comfort for your family, especially your dear mom.
Sorry to hear of your loss Heather. Please know we will be thinking of you and yours!
I was very sorry to hear of the death of your uncle. I had met him a couple of times and he seemed like a great guy who enjoyed life. I've been thinking of and praying for you guys and your mom.
Dear Heather. We here in Greenport just heard the tragic news. Will, as we know him, was our 'computer angel' at our small non-profit agency in Greenport NY. He worked tireless volunteer hours for our organization for nearly 7 years. My staff and I are shocked and saddened by his death. We miss him. Will and I shared the love of folk music and I know how much he loved that in-layed guitar. I'll be back in touch..have to sign off for now. Liza Coppola
Dear Heather. We here in Greenport just heard the tragic news. Will, as we know him, was our 'computer angel' at our small non-profit agency in Greenport NY. He worked tireless volunteer hours for our organization for nearly 7 years. My staff and I are shocked and saddened by his death. We miss him. Will and I shared the love of folk music and I know how much he loved that in-layed guitar. I'll be back in touch..have to sign off for now. Liza Coppola
Heather.please email me ..I would really love to speak with you.
Liza71158@yahoo.com -from Greenport
your uncle will was so down to earth with a wonderfully sarcastic sense of humor. he was loved. my condolences to all of you.
kathy avidani
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