It looks like Laura may be teething tooth #5 and #6. She's also having some trouble with constipation and a few other annoyances, but nothing to worry about.
It's so nice not to watch Laura sweat during a feeding and also nice to see her tolerate a 45 minute therapy session! She's always conked out before then. It's sad to think that Laura is now weaned, but it was necessary for both her and for me.
Thanks for your continued prayers for Laura!
She looks so pretty - that red rose on the hairband is adorable, and she's looking chubbier already!
I had to wean one of mine off at 3 months due to health issues too. I remember the constipation when we switched over - is it from the formula?
Awwww Laura looks beautiful...hard to believe looking at this photo that she has been so poorly.
Love your Thanksgiving post too...especially the photo of the children sitting around the fire...adorable! x
What a sweetie. So glad she's doing so well!
I think we are also getting teeth 5 and 6 too! Which ones is she getting? Uh. I feel your pain but SO glad that she's looking so wonderful!! :)
I can see the difference in Laura's cheeks. I can imagine that you must be so thankful for these changes from day to day.
She's very sweet.
How very elegant Laura looks in her smart outfit.
She is beautiful! She already looks healthy.
Miss Anna went to her first ballet yesterday when Stephanie took all five kids to the Nutcracker. :)
Look how pretty she is!!! Love the rose bow. :)
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